How to set up Online Giving in Salesforce

Salesforce has no payment gateway or donation processing portal out of the box.

This is why I wrote this white paper to show you how to connect Raisely with Salesforce. This is my recommendation for charities looking to accept donations online.

If you do not have the time or resourcing to follow my white paper and build the integration yourself you should talk to the Jameses at Movedata.

The main objective with this type of integration is to seamlessly update Salesforce (the source of truth) with donation data in real time, avoiding time-consuming manual processes that are prone to human error.

If you set up EFT payments/direct debits for a one off donation or monthly giving then you need to create all the corresponding records in Salesforce manually (as well as set the payments up).

It’s much easier to use Raisely. Redirect the donate button from your website, choose one off or monthly and enter the amount in Step One. In Step two add the Donors Name, Email and Mobile (custom field), and in Step 3 the credit card details (you need the CCV) and you're done.

This automagically creates the following records in Salesforce - Contact, Account, Opportunity, Payments and Get Raisely Data (which is a custom junction object). If the gift is monthly it creates a Recurring Donation record as well as the 1st Opportunity record (Stage = posted) and next 12 Opportunities (Stage = pledged which is great for forecasting income). 

If you are using Raisely for Peer to Peer or Community Fundraising, Blaze Your Trail can help you with another flow that will create a Campaign hierarchy to track the relationships between the fundraiser and their donors. 

Trust me - this will save you hours of administrative effort and make it so much easier to thank new Monthly Givers promptly and well.

Any questions please just ask me.

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