There are several custom fields from Raisely that we will want to create on the Opportunity Object and display on the Donation Record Type Page Layout.
Please create the following fields:
- Business Name for Receipt - Text (255) - some donors like to make their donations in their business name but we do not recommend you create an account for every donation with a business name automatically. Why create an account record for a $5 gift for Judy's Mobile Tanning Salon?
- Keep Donation Anonymous - Checkbox - this will be helpful come annual report time
- Donor Message - Text Area (255) - make sure you limit Raisely message box to the same number of characters
- Channel - Think of all the digital fundraising or payment platforms that you might use. You may have data coming in from Give Now, My Cause, Give Easy, Fundraisin etc. Raisely should be listed in the Channel pick list to use in our flow.