What is free?


Zach Thanasilangkul from Social Driven Impact recently listed a bunch of tools that are free for charities to use and that help you attract and engage new supporters.

- Canva is free
- Mailchimp is free
- Social media is free
- Writing a blog is free
- Speaking on podcasts is free
- Creating key partnerships is free
- Google Ad Grants are $10k/mo for free

I was inspired to add the following:

Salesforce is free (first 10 user licences)  
Google Workspace is free
Raisely is free the most beautiful fundraising platform in the world (and a BCorp)
LastPass is free for one device - although I recommend paying for multi device log in.
The Mailchimp for Salesforce integration is free. 
Humanitix is a social enterprise and if your event is free the platform is free also
- the Humanitix to Salesforce integration is free
Amazon Connect (soft phone) integration with Salesforce (Service Voice) is free. 

Twilio has great discounts for charities
- Amazon products are mostly free for the first 12 months - like S3 storage and Amazon Connect
Shopify is only $14 USD per month if you want a beautiful website but don't need the e-commerce functionality.


PS. Mailchimp is only free for a small number of subscribers but its worth every cent.

PPS. These platforms may be free or low cost but the real investment is in the time it takes to implement and train users. For this you should engage and experienced and trusted partner - like Blaze Your Trail - to help drive user adoption and help maintain these solutions. 

Image: Google Workspace for Non Profits

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