An open letter to the Australian Partner Ecosystem on International Women’s Day

I have some questions for you….

Are you a Talent Alliance Partner? If you are, you have made a commitment to hire 20% net new talent. But are half of them women?

How are you accountable for this? Do you share your results publicly and hold yourself to this goal?

What are you doing to help women transition into technology roles or return from extended career breaks? 

What are you doing to support training programs like Salesforce Supermums, or workforce development programs like Revolent? 

What about women who have been out of the workforce for some time? Or who head up one of the 1 in 5 households in Australia as a single parent? 

How are you supporting women who are mothers? Are you offering flexible working arrangements that support their incredible skill availability during school hours whilst allowing them the flexibility to parent, free from guilt, before and after school times?

What are you doing to support women of little means, stuck in low paying jobs and casual jobs in order to get the flexibility they need to care for their children?

Do you offer paid internships? Do you target women for these? 

Do you support charities and social enterprises that offer free training programs like PepUp Tech? 

How are you going to increase the number of women in your organisation into leadership roles if you are not hiring them at entry level? 

And how are you hiring them if you are not supporting organisations that are training them?

Blaze Your Trail has a proven success record in Australia, helping hundreds of people, mostly women, and mostly migrants, win the job of their dreams. Please support us, so that we can do more good, for more women, and help you do what you have made a commitment to do.

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