The Secret Ingredient to Successful Contact Consent Management in Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack

We are living in a digital world where data protection and privacy laws (such as the General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union, the California Consumer Privacy Act in the United States or the Privacy Principles in Australia) are vital because they protect people’s personal data from misuse by companies or the government.

Consent management is governed by these data protection and privacy laws imposing requirements for obtaining, maintaining, and withdrawing consent and respecting people’s choices in the processing of their personal data for a specific purpose. Consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous and it can be withdrawn at any time.

Contact Consent Management in Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack

Out of the Box

Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack makes it easy for you as a nonprofit to comply with constituent preferences about communication with or from your organization.

Out of the box, the “Do Not Contact” (API Name npsp__Do_Not_Contact__c) managed field on the Contact standard object shows whether or not the constituents want your organization to call or email them.

Let’s take it a step further

Imagine that you can open a Contact record and understand your constituent’s choice at a glance because it is dynamically displayed in a visually engaging manner, front and center on the page.

A Contact Flag solution empowers you to quickly get on with your work and focus on what matters most to your organization.

How to build your own Contact Flag

Here is how to implement it in 4 easy steps:

  1. Create a custom field on the Contact standard object (in a sandbox)

Go To Setup - Contact - Fields and Relationships and click New

Choose data type: Formula and click Next

Fill in the field label: Contact Flag and choose the formula return type: Text.

Click Next.

Insert the formula:


(npsp__Do_Not_Contact__c = TRUE,

IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_red.gif", "Red Flag") & " " & "Do Not Contact",

IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_green.gif","Green Flag") & " " & "OK to Contact")

Scroll down to Check Syntax and click Next

Establish the field level security for profiles, as appropriate for your organization and click Next

Finally, add the new field to page layouts, as appropriate for your organization and click Save

  1. Add the newly created field to your Compact Layout so that it appears in the Highlights Panel component on the Contact record page
  2. Take it for a test drive

Open a Contact record

  • If the Do Not Contact checkbox is inactive you should see a green flag
  • If the Do Not Contact checkbox is active you should see a red flag

Deploy the feature to your production org

Keep in Mind

Salesforce offers guidance and suggestions to help you find ways to comply with constituent preferences about communication with or from your organization. For example, you could also use the Salesforce Individual object to manage consent and other data privacy choices. 

However, balancing organizational needs and legal obligations can be challenging. You are responsible for your own compliance obligations in your use of the Salesforce Services and applications. It is recommended that you work with your advisors, including legal counsel, to determine whether you are covered under a legal requirement, and come up with a compliance plan that works best for your organization.

References and Useful Links

Consent Management for NPSP (

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Official Legal Text (

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) | State of California - Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General

Privacy | Attorney-General's Department (

Store Customers’ Data Privacy Preferences (

Prepared by Dani Bragau (post here)

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